SNO-N-ICE is popular with municipal and public organisations, but also with private individuals, and is used by a wide variety of customer groups.


  • Municipalities
  • Hospitals, retirement homes and rehabilitation clinics
  • Property management companies and building cooperatives
  • Caretakers and building maintenance companies
  • Industry and commerce
  • Transport companies and mountain railways
  • Hotels and catering businesses
  • Airports
  • Zoos and animal parks
  • Homeowners


  • Otto Tritten, Operations manager of the Mettlen depot of the municipality of Saanen
  • René Pfister, CEO Franz Pfister AG
  • Franz Schmidig, Road maintenance officer of the municipality of Muotathal
  • Hermann Landolt, Operations manager for the winter maintenance of pedestrian and traffic areas at Zurich-Kloten Airport


Please contact us for further references.




Left: De-icing agent, right: SNO-N-ICE.
Many years of practical use have proven that the corrosion and concrete protection contained in SNO-N-ICE is highly effective. It neutralises the aggressive effect of salt on concrete. In addition, protective additives effectively prevent sanding and chipping.


Left: De-icing agent, right: SNO-N-ICE.
Various tests have proven this: SNO-N-ICE eliminates the rust hazard of salt and has an anti-corrosive effect



Steinmann Zürich AG

Neunbrunnenstrasse 40

P.O. Box

CH-8052 Zürich

Tel. +41 44 307 18 18

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